Faculty of Industrial Technology ITN Malang: Explanation, Job Prospects, and Tuition Fees

Still confused about where to continue your studies? Have you ever been to the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Malang Institute of Technology (ITN)? This faculty offers a number of study programs (prodi) that are needed by industry and companies today. This makes the job opportunities for graduates of this faculty very much sought after.

For those of you who are interested in entering one of the study programs at the Faculty of Industrial Technology Malang, here is a complete explanation!

Getting to know the Faculty of Industrial Technology ITN Malang

The Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) ITN Malang is an educational center that focuses on developing technology skills, innovation, and industrial management. This faculty offers study programs related to industrial technology. Here, you will study various aspects of the industry, including planning and management of production processes, supply chain management, manufacturing technology, industrial ergonomics, and the application of information technology in business management.

To support lectures, this faculty is equipped with various facilities and laboratories that support the learning and research process, including industrial process simulations, system modeling, and the latest information technology. In addition, there is also cooperation with industry and companies. This gives you the opportunity to get involved in real projects and internships in an industrial environment.

To realize the Faculty of Industrial

Technology that excels in the field of industrial buy telemarketing data engineering technology science, as well as the management of professional, independent, noble and globally-minded human resource quality

To organize professional academic and vocational education in various engineering study programs for What are the Study Programs at the Faculty of Industrial Technology ITN Malang

1. Mechanical Engineering (S1)

The Mechanical Engineering Study Program is one of the oldest study programs at FTI ITN. This study program was founded in 1969 by the National General Education and Technology Foundation which at that time was in the form of the National Engineering Academy (ATN) and produced graduates of the Mechanical Engineering program at the bachelor/diploma level.

Here, you will learn and apply the principles of engineering, Physics and Mathematics, to design and analyze systems. The focus of this study program is the development of science in the field of mechanical engineering, especially: in the field of engineering; Materials, Manufacturing and Energy, in order to support and improve national development and competitiveness.

Electrical Engineering (S1)

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The S1 Electrical Engineering Study Program FTI ITN Malang is a study program that was established on February 18, 1985 based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education No.: 070/0/1985 dated. Initially, this study program had a concentration in Electrical Energy Engineering. Over time this study program has experienced several additional concentrations. Until now it has 4 concentrations namely Electrical Energy Engineering. Electronic Engineering Computer Engineering and Telecommunication Engineering.

3. Informatics Engineering (S1)
The Informatics Engineering study program at FTI ITN Malang is a split from the Computer Engineering and Informatics concentration under the Electrical Engineering Study Program in 2004. Along with the increasing need for this how to sell life insurance over the phone discipline, finally in 2008 Informatics Engineering became a separate study program.

In its implementation process

this study program uses a curriculum issued by the Association of Informatics and. Computer Engineering Colleges (APTIKOM) as well as international curriculum. Standards in the field of informatics formulated by the. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Computer Society from the Institute for. Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE-CS), namely Computing Curricula.

4. Chemical Engineering (S1)
The next study program at FTI ITN Malang usb directory  is Chemical Engineering which has been established since 1981. This study program is one of the places to prepare strong and competent. Human resources in the field of Chemical Engineering. So that they are able to answer the challenges that always. Arise in the dynamics that occur in the chemical industry.

5. Industrial Engineering (S1)
Then in 1983 it changed to a Strata 1 (S1) program.


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