Whatsapp Number

Parsing online store prices: how parsing helps sellers

In business, the key to success is often understanding your competitors’ strategy. How many times have we heard stories like this – a company is doing well, they offer a great whatsapp number product or service, they get good reviews from customers… and then they are caught off guard by a strong new competitor.

And if you are a Wildberries supplier or you are the owner of your own online whatsapp number store, then it is very important for you to conduct competitor research, namely price analysis through price parsing.

Let’s take a look at how price scrapers and price scraping can help your business today.

Scraping is the process of extracting publicly available data from websites. First, a scraper accesses the site just like your browser. Then it analyzes the information and extracts the whatsapp number data you’re looking for. And then it exports that data into a format of your choosing—usually a spreadsheet.

So, price scraping is a part of the website scraping process and it is used specifically to collect prices from specific pages of online stores or marketplaces.

Why do you need price parsing?

Let’s say you sell handmade jewelry on Wildberries. You make keychains, necklaces, and rings out of glass. On such a large platform, you’re bound to have competition from other sellers. While no one can sell exactly what you make, there will be other people selling glass jewelry in their own unique style. Competition is necessary for a thriving marketplace, and that’s all well and good, but you obviously don’t want them stealing your potential customers. Maybe you have three competitors who offer necklaces similar to what you sell – the same type of chain, the same design of glass pendant, even similar color options.

For most big-box stores, price is the most important factor in deciding which product a customer will choose. Big marketplaces like Wildberries and AliExpress have trained shoppers to look for the cheapest deal available, and when you can see all the products in a category at a glance, price is the first thing that differentiates them. And you don’t have to just take our word for it — according to a survey of 3,000 US consumers conducted by BigCommerce,online store customers consider price as the main factor in making an online purchase.

So, you take some price scraping software that’s not too expensive, and you set it up to scrape each of these three competitors’ pages. Now you can get real-time pricing information for these three necklaces. If one of your competitors drops their price whatsapp number for a day during a sale, they’re going to take up a lot of your traffic on that particular day, so you want to drop your price too. And if their prices go up, you want to make sure that your prices stay low so you can poach customers.

Defining Competitors

This is a step that no tool, program, or service can do for you: deciding which whatsapp number pages you need to scrape and why. All marketers need a clear understanding of the competitors they work with in the same industry.

Keep in mind that it’s always better to have too much whatsapp number data than not enough. You probably already know that you should analyze the prices of online stores that offer similar products to yours on your chosen platform or in your industry. But are you looking at other platforms?

According to the same BigCommerce survey we referenced above, over 86% of online shoppers compare prices on multiple platforms before making a purchase. There’s no point in beating competitors on Wildberries if there are sellers with similar products on Ozon who are selling similar products cheaper than you.

You also need to look at competitors who don’t sell the same products as you, but who will sell to the same group of customers. Think about Blockbuster and Netflix. Both companies offered very different services – one offered in-store and online rentals of physical media, and the other streamed digital media over the Internet. But both services were targeting the same consumer need – the desire to be convenient and inexpensive. to be entertained. Eventually, as we all know, Netflix displaced Blockbuster and much of the physical media landscape.