How to Increase Business Profits by 347% in 7 Months with PPC

Service: Contextual and targeted advertising
Project: «XL-Ballooner» – sale of balloons + accessories
Promotion region: Denmark
Duration of campaigns: 7 months (in progress)
Budget for 7 months: 226,276 DKK (including agency commission)

Who is the client?
“XL-balloner” – online store of balloons, accessories, and event decoration services (Grindsted, Denmark)

“XL-balloner” in numbers:


6 years of business operation
2000 units of production
Initial data
Previously, other contractors and the library shop client had already worked with the project. Different types of advertising campaigns were launched in the Google Ads account: Search, GDN, Shopping. There were stable sales, but the advertising did not bring the client the desired results. The task set by the client was to optimize and scale advertising campaigns, increase income from the online store.

Results of contextual advertising at the start of work
Key indicators (for the period 01.10.2021-31.10.2021):

Number of clicks – 4,084
Cost per click (CPC) – 5.18 DKK
Expenses – 21,172.16 DKK
Number of conversions (transactions) – 268
Conversion (transaction) price – 79 DKK
Conversion rate (transactions) – 5.65%
Advertising revenue – 61,032.20 DKK
ROAS – 288%
Average bill – 227.73 DKK
Profit – 12,933.60 DKK


Increase the number of sales (transactions) and customer income using paid traffic channels.

library shop

Agency actions
During the audit of Google Ads, Google Analytics + Google Tag Manager accounts, we found problem areas in the settings of advertising campaigns, macro and micro goals, and Enhanced Ecommerce.

First of all, we performed a basic setup of the Google Analytics structure, micro and macro goals (Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel) using Google Tag Manager in order to track and understand user actions on the site.

The first 2 months we worked with existing advertising campaigns and made minor adjustments to their structure. After analyzing the data, we implemented the necessary adjustments: gender, age, schedule of impressions, devices, location. This did not bring any results.
Next, we decided to solve the long-standing issue with Enhanced Ecommerce, dynamic remarketing, and create a new data feed for Merchant Center.
We prepared the technical specifications for Enhanced Ecommerce, dynamic Google/Facebook remarketing, data feed and successfully implemented them into the project.
Launched new standard shopping ad campaigns with breakdown by categories. After collecting a sufficient number of conversions, the main conversion shopping ad campaigns were switched to smart ones.
Redesigned the structure of while many professionals search advertising campaigns. Launched dynamic remarketing. Experiments were regularly implemented during the campaigns (targeted return on investment in advertising).
From the third month of work, the necessary growth in transactions, income and net profit of the client began.

Results of the work


Increase in high-quality targeted traffic to the site

Increase in income and average check for each order
Results of contextual advertising work for 7 months
Key indicators (for the period 01.05.2022-31.05.2022) and changes compared to the starting period:

Number of clicks – 6,527 (+59.82%)
Cost per click (CPC) – 5.28 DKK (+1.83%)
Expenses – DKK 34,455.98 (+62.74%)
Number of usa bu conversions (transactions) – 485 (+80.97%)
Conversion (transaction) cost – 71.04 DKK (-10.08%)
Conversion rate (transactions) – 6.69% (+18.48%)
Advertising revenue – DKK 144,696.40 (+137.08%)

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