What Cities Can Do To Help Animals Survive Climate Change

It’s no secret that climate change is negatively affecting the lives of wildlife around the world. Over one million different species are currently being pushed towards extinction by human activity with climate change front and center.


Due to massive habitat destruction, wildlife has no choice but to relocate to a new home. However, many species will have to pass through urban areas.

Here are some ways these urban locations can prepare and help animals survive climate change.

Urban Areas Can Help Animals with Climate Change

A big misconception with wildlife relief effort is that every animal is a polar bear, rhino or some other large animal. In reality, a lot of the species that are threatened are much smaller.

They include insects, fish, small animals(like rodents) and yes, there are larger animals. But cities can help out quite a bit.

For example, insects can certainly survive in cities and backyards.

Of course, the accurate mobile phone number list question then becomes, how do I help?

Helping Is Very Easy

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To properly help wildlife species in your area, you consumers feel special with the reason first need to know which species are calling your location home. For example, if you live in Florida, you are not going to be able to help butterflies from Asia.

Instead, you need to study your local species and see what can help them. In most cases, just planting native plants will do the job. It’s easy to do and relatively cheap. Not only can residents with backyards do this, but cities themselves can as well.

Most cities have plants placed throughout aero leads the area for decoration. By making sure they support local wildlife, these plants can benefit a variety of animals.

Cities Can’t Help All Species

While the idea that every animal in danger is large in size is incorrect, it doesn’t mean there are not animals like that in need of help. For these animals, larger habitats need to be created.

For example, it isn’t healthy for an endangered Rhino to be in urban areas. Instead, conservation efforts need to be increased around the world. Areas need to be dedicated to wildlife preservation and be properly maintained to support wildlife.

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