The fear of making a bad impression

However, as with all new challenges, it is necessary to prepare properly. We have briefly describ the precautions to pay attention to, but we must not forget an essential element: ourselves, our state of mind.

For example, can distract our deep attention from the content of the speech and communicate a difficulty to others non-verbally. Automatic gestures of shame will intervene, our gaze could be “dancing”, our gestures awkward, the tone and timbre of voice insecure.

What to do in these cases?

Preparing your speech, rehearsing it before the meeting or keeping some notes handy will certainly help keep us focus on the topic.

The same care of our person, of our clothing and of the environment, will contribute to creating an external and internal environment, better prepar for the meeting, and to instill in us security. Rather, let’s admit our difficulty with others: sometimes an honest admission helps to melt the ice and reassure the spirits.

Impatience  is another danger

Borom, nervousness, haste are states of mind that will be visible in a few minutes. You cannot always be calm, nor well-dispos towards every situation. However, it is very important to try to maintain as much as possible a balanc prisposition to listening and dialogue.

There are exercises that can be whatsapp data  done to keep ourselves in balance despite the staticity. Let’s practice them: they will help us to maintain an open and available attitude towards interlocutors as much as possible.

Handling inconveniences  naturally is

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An art that we can train right away. The sauce left on the stove, the noisy children, the deliveryman who rings the doorbell are small  off-air moments  that could be an obstacle to sober and clear communication.

There are precautions that we can  by lists take before the meeting to avoid these inconveniences from occurring while we are working, but some of these events are not prictable. In these cases it is appropriate to handle them in the most spontaneous and sober way possible, possibly explaining what is happening and apologizing for the interruption.

Taking care of yourself  is the ultimate

Stimulus, but only because it is the basis of every other discussion. Nonverbal communication is a mirror of ourselves, and it goes without saying that the better we are, physically and psychologically, the better we will transmit to the outside, both in terms of content and relationship. So what to do?

In a previous article we address the 5 najboljih vrsta komercijalnih zajmova za vaše poslovanje  important issue of health at work starting from neuroscience and salutogenesis.

Let’s not forget it. Our health and the care we have for ourselves are the undisput protagonists of everything that concerns us and that we transmit to others.

Just as it is true that you cannot convey serious preparation when you improvise, it is also true that you cannot convey a good prisposition and good mood when you are nervous or stress.

Mistakes will be inevitable, but to judge the outcome we observe others: if they understood the message and if contact was still possible despite the distance, then we will have succe.

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