YouTube Advertising: Types and Benefits

Benefits of YouTube Advertising
Communication with the audience.
You will be able to tell a potential client about the advantages of your products and services. If you do it effectively, you will certainly be remembered by the viewer.
Reaching a target audience:

Efficiency and ease of use.

To create advertising on YouTube, you do not need to have superpowers, just create an account in Google Ads and follow the instructions for setting up campaigns.
Measure performance.
You can track the success of your campaigns and improve them. In Google Ads, you will find statistics on views, costs, and budget. Detailed data on ad views will also appear in the Analytics category in your YouTube account. You will find out which videos viewers watched and for how long they did so.
Strong emotional effect.
Video + sound is the strongest combination, which has a powerful emotional impact.
YouTube Ad Targeting
we can manually select specific library shop videos and channels on which we want to be placed

Language and geotargeting


library shop

Device targeting.
Viewing YouTube feed on laptop
Types of Advertising on YouTube
Skippable In-Stream Ads
This is the most standard option. Such at home for years to come. advertising is shown at the beginning, middle or end of a video on YouTube. It can also be shown on websites and in applications that are part of the contextual media network. The peculiarity of the ads is that they can be skipped 5 seconds after they start. You have probably seen such ads and successfully skipped them.



In-Stream TrueView for Action

The main goal of this format is to get conversions (motivate the user to visit your site, fill out an application, place an order, etc.).

A call-to-action button (e.g. “Buy,” “Go to by lists the website”) helps to push potential customers to take the target action. The button is usually displaye at the end of the video. When clicking on the button, you can lead the user to any page of our site (to the product card, the page with the application form). In this format, advertising tries to optimize for conversions, but is not a 100% leadgen tool. Such ads help

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