How Videos Can Transform Your Content Marketing Strategy

Post By Guest Blogger 21st of February 2017 Blog Promotion  0 Comments


This is a guest contribution from Nathalie Cohen-Sheffer.

From do-it-yourself tutorials to adorable animal clips, videos are a big part of our life – and business owners as well as bloggers are taking notice. Here are seven reasons why everyone n incorporate video into their marketing strategy, and the sooner the better.

From consuming news to communicating cmb directory  with our friends, video has taken over. It’s enough to look at the ways in which your .loggers, entrepreneurs and business owners have to realize that implementing videos into their content marketing strategy is the way to go.

Video is on a roll, and it’s evident if you look at any socinetwork today. Youtube, for one, has over a billion users, ahannels like Facebook has e its Nehe use of video.  Instagram hasn’t fallen behind, and has recentlt they were extending videos on the app to a full minute.

a channels aren’t alone, as more business owners and bloggers alike are realizing the many benefits of adding custom videos to their site. If you haven’t already began adding video content to your blog or site, here are the main reasons you should.

It Increases Traffic

Simply put, video increases traffic to your site.

What’s great about using video in your content marketing strategy is that you don’t even have to be a videography expert of any kind. Platforms like Promo by Slidely help you to create highly sophisticat videos that will increase your site’s traffic without you having to break the bank.

It’s a Great way to Brand Yourself

Video plays a huge role in helping businesses brand themselves in a certain way.

A loyal audience of subscribers to your blog are more likely to become your own personal evangelists, spreading the word about your blog and your general awesomeness. By incorporating video into your branding efforts, you’ll be giving them a glimpse into “the real you,” which can help build their trust in what you have to say and offer.

It’s Motivating

Video has a very serious impact on your audience, making them much more likely to take some sort of action, like search for more information or purchase an item, after watching your video.



It’s Memorable

You’d be surprisbut video is more memorable updated 2024 mobile phone number data than text. In fact, people only retain about 10% of what they read. However. When they watch a video, they’re using both their auditory and visual senses. Making that retention rate jump to 68%. That should just give you more of an incentive to guarantee the videos you create are worth remembering.

It Makes You Stand Out

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Every business entrepreneur and blogger know just how difficult it can be to differentiate themselves from all the rest. The truth of the matter is that not many companies have the creative streak to put a living.  Breathing representation of their . Company and product or service on their site. If you take the risk of being innovative and authentic with your target audienc. And remember the importance of creating epic content. You’ll have a major advantage over the rest.

It’s Easy to Share

Video is increasingly easy tο μέσο κόστος ανάπτυξης λογισμικού το 2024 to share, which guarantees that a memorable and creative video will reach more people than any textual content probably would. The time in which you decide to upload a video is crucial as well since many videos on YouTube are emb on Tuesday between 11AM and 1PM. By creating an engaging, enjoyable video, you’re ensuring future traffic without having to do a lot of heavy lifting. With video, one click can easily turn into 100 clicks.

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