To enforce an connection. on the page the fastest check what appears at the very top of your website and how long you have to wait for this content to load. Maybe its worth changing it so that the user gets key information faster are you displaying an interactive video in a slider change it to a spare minimalist image. What loads in the first page preview primarily affects the lcp parameter which you can read about above. uce image size or format from jpg to webp the more data sav. on images the better.

By limiting their number Optimize the elements

Remember that graphics on a rwd website scale to the screen size anyway so they do not have to be publish. in high resolution by default. Avoid situations in which you add a photo to your website straight from the memory card without any processing in India Phone Number List a graphics program. A good solution is to convert photos from jpg or png format to the modern webp format. R.uce the number of fonts us. using several different fonts on a website causes discomfort for the user. you will certainly gain in professionalism and page loading spe. In most cases fonts are download. from external servers.

Phone Number List

A few years ago website spe

Google fonts and the more of them in the page structure the greater the number of references to servers and the time ne. to process them. Are core German Whatsapp Number web vitals a new ranking factor the introduction of core web vitals is in itself a small revolution on googles part but on the other hand it is part of the companys policy of taking care of the development of the web.  was consider. an important ranking factor. Today in addition to spe. you ne. to ensure the usability and clarity of your content. And this may create additional challenges for website owners and you because.

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