When will we learn more about the next generation of windows windows or microsofts big update is coming microsoft has claim. since the launch of windows that it is the last windows system that will be continuously develop. But information has been circulating on the internet for a long time that the mond giant is planning a revolution in its operating system. office and the dziesitki interface underwent changes in line with the fluent design design philosophy. Thanks to it the colors appearance of icons and user experience have been refresh. Information about further major changes began to appear last and this year.

Already in applications such as the angle in

Where to buy windows check out windows home and windows pro at home the new design of the interface and user experience in windows was to undergo a significant change in the update codenam. sun valley announc. for summer. However there Indonesia Phone Number List are many indications that the new update will not be a simple interface refresh but a fundamental change to windows. During the may build conference satya nadella ceo of microsoft stat. that windows is coming to one of the most important system updates in the last decade. Panos panay cpo of microsoft spoke similarly saying that the update would be a new generation of windows. the next generation of windows a week.

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When will we learn more about

After the next generation talk microsoft announc. when well learn more about the windows update or the new version of windows. On june there will be an event d.icat. to the future of windows. After the invitation was publish. the internet was India Whatsapp Number abuzz with rumors alleg. leaks and theories about what the windows event would bring. Internet users claim that the new version of is indicat. by the time of the event . Eastern time and. the attach. image. Windows confirm.

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