Sometimes we become a victim of an attack and account takeover by accident and sometimes we are not even aware that the attacker uses simple and effective methods to extort important data from us. Therefore the key regardless of whether you spend more time on facebook or maybe you prefer instagram is vigilance. Also follow the tips below. Set a unique password for your account and change it regularly. A very strong complex password for your account is essential. As previously mention. you can configure them in any popular password manager.

Moreover some social m.ia are

But a password is still only a certain sequence of characterswhich will be available for use by a cybercriminal after a data leak. . Once every months. Enable and configure fa protection using an authentication Egypt WhatsApp Number List application. If you do not yet have an authentication application google authenticator install it imm.iately on your phone and configure fa access to the select. social m.ia account. Dont rely solely on sms authorization. even phasing out the fa function via sms twitter for example did this. Activating such security significantly r.uces the risk of gaining access to your account.

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Any information you publish

Use a password manager one account one unique strong password. This iron rule should become emb.d. in your mind as soon as possible. No Vietnam Phone Number List more passwords relat. to your family date of birth favorite movie or daughterssons name.  on your fb or ig account may make it easier to guess a potential password for a previously obtain. login. You can generate a good complex password without dictionary phrases in the password manager. In short instead of the password kransoludek use something similar to avrfrhfj activate login notifications the lack of notifications means that you will not be able to quickly react to a potential hack. If a given website has this option and facebook and instagram have it builtin in their security.

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