Full Stack Developer Career Salary and How to Choose a Course

the front-end person is the one who takes care of the appearance, presentation and user experience of a web application and the back-end person takes care of the server logic, data and internal part of the website, the full stack developer profile can master both .

A person who fits the definition of full stack is someone who has skills on both sides of the coin and can, therefore, develop a complete web application on their own. Thus, they also manage other issues that are fundamental and go beyond what we discussed in the first paragraph.

This versatility certainly attracts attention in a market where websites and applications are at the heart of digital business. Full stack developers are professionals in high demand and, in this article, we want to show you step by step how to enter a career in Software Development.

Complete ebook guide to starting your career in full stack development

What is full stack?

Full stack development encompasses all the main functions that aim to put a system online . It is a function that encompasses all the skills to deal with everything from requirements to implementation.

In this sense, it takes care of the front-end, back-end, infrastructure, database and other issues specific to some projects. It also understands languages, architectures, platforms, what GitHub is , what frameworks are, what libraries are, among other issues.

In short, a full stack developer is always capable of building an application or website on their own , from scratch. In practice, this rarely happens, but knowledge of all aspects allows for a broad and in-depth view. It is no wonder that reports such as HackerRank highlight full stack development as one of the most sought-after areas of the moment.

As web applications have become more complex and, at the same time, dynamic, being full stack allows professionals the ability to better understand emerging technologies and know how to use them. 

Instead of being stuck on just one side of software development and web development, full stacks are able to understand how these sides connect to each other and deliver a complete, end-to-end solution.

Obviously, a full stack developer is not an expert in all aspects of the field — because that would be impossible. They usually have more expertise in one area (be it front-end, back-end, or database, for example), but they can easily solve the main problems and get by in other areas. Even if they are fluent in one skill, they are able to communicate with others. 

Let’s now understand each of the “stacks” — the technologies — of a person who works as a full stack. The mentioned skills and concepts should be part of the resume and vocabulary of a full stack programmer.


The task of front-end professionals is to take care of the structuring, appearance and interactions of a web page or application, which involves building a structural skeleton of one or a set of pages with their respective links. They define the positioning of elements, think about interactions with users, establish animations and dynamic graphic resources and develop a user flow. 

Therefore, it takes care of the design and user experience, using languages ​​such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and libraries such as jQuery and React.


Back-end professionals are responsible for managing the server logic in a web application: managing requests sent by the user, authenticating and validating information, making connections with APIs and codes from other applications, etc. They take care of the internal and infrastructural aspects. They can write pieces of code in JavaScript, Python , PHP or Java.


Mobile development is the application of knowledge of design and user interaction, programming logic and logic for accessing a device’s resources to create products that run on compact hardware, with smaller size and less processing/storage power. 

The person specialized in this has to know how to create readable interfaces on small screens, as well as know how to communicate with the specificities of the devices on which the system will run. 


For a system to simulate reality and solve a specific problem, it needs to use structures that store data. Databases are modeled and built from the real world to allow the management and automation of common actions in our world. They function as a system memory to allow it to operate and record useful information.

An example of this: authentication in a login requires a database that saves the login in the records. Every time the person needs to log in, they can pass the authentication through a check in the database.

The skill here involves modeling databases that meet a problem and a set of requirements , creating these databases with a specific language, querying/manipulating data, and controlling restrictions and access to data. 


Every system needs to run somewhere. Infrastructure takes care of the time it takes to get a system up and running and the structures needed for the application to function properly. 

It also manages maintenance and possible changes that will be made in the future, since the system is already public and already works in an environment. It thinks in terms of cloud computing, continuous integration, testing, DevOps and other relevant concepts.

How do full stack developers work in companies?

As we said before, a full-stack person does not have superhuman abilities, with absurd knowledge in all areas. It could be a person who is very good at front-end, but knows and knows how to use the most relevant back-end, database and infrastructure technologies. Or a back-stack person who also knows front-end and database.

In other words, the profile varies. Thus, the duties of these people in companies also vary greatly.

The most common scenario for full stack programmers is to become a “jack of all trades” for their company. The person is hired to deal with all types of problems in the creation or maintenance of web systems, as a good generalist. This is very common in smaller companies, which do not have the budget to divide up their roles among specialists. 

However, there is also the situation in which the full stack person is hired to work together with front-ends and back-ends . Mainly in organizations that no longer operate in the waterfall model and have adopted an agile development strategy. In this case, the person arrives to help on both sides, acting as an assistance wherever necessary. 

Thus, full stack development professionals act with a holistic, broad, and in-depth vision of who can manage and administer the team. They can even represent the dev team in meetings and interactions with business people. 

In addition, full stack devs can act specifically as front-end, back-end or database administrators as well, and are flexible enough to take on other roles whenever necessary, due to a problem or departure of team members. 

In short: the possibilities are endless. For these and other reasons, the World Economic Forum highlights full-stack development as one of the most promising careers in recent times. LinkedIn recognizes the growth of this and other related areas in technology even with the 2020 crisis (especially with remote roles). 

What is the full stack salary?

In Brazil, the average salary for a junior full stack developer is R$3,000 per month, according to Glassdoor. For a senior full stack developer, the salary increases significantly, reaching R$8,869 . 

To begin with, it is important to make it clear that these values ​​can vary greatly depending on the position and the level of seniority required. However, we will provide some data from Glassdoor so that you can have a clear view of how much professionals in this area are currently being paid in Brazil.

It’s interesting to note what Glassdoor shows us about specific salaries at certain companies. At iFood, full stack developers earn an average of R$7,000 to R$8,000 per month. A senior developer at a delivery company earns an average of R$14,500 to R$15,745 . 

It is important to evaluate the different cases. The fundamental thing in this sense is that the area is in demand and offers many interesting opportunities. Even outside Brazil, people who study full stack can get jobs with good salaries and opportunities for advancement.

For juniors, a lower salary is not a cause for frustration. After all, growth in the field is very fast, since the person is able to keep up with changes and evolve easily.

What do full stack professionals need to know? 

Now, let’s look at the fundamental skills and knowledge for a person who wants to work as a full stack developer. 

Logical reasoning

In programming, logical reasoning is essential. For tasks in this area, you will need a mindset focused on solving problems, creating logical flows and chains, and understanding basic logical operations, such as “and” and “or”. 

This reasoning that structures ideas into sequences, with a strong cause-consequence connection and organization of decision points, is the basis for everything. In this context, the very notion of an algorithm stands out as a set of linked steps and a recipe for building something.

Front-end programming languages

To be full stack, you need to master front-end languages. In other words, you need to know very well how to build a main structure in HTML, how to customize the style with CSS and how to develop logic for pages with JavaScript. You need to go beyond basic knowledge and know how to solve problems efficiently using these technologies. 

Full stack developers must also manipulate frameworks and libraries for code reuse, so they know what React is, what Angular is, what Vue.JS is and other technologies. 

Back-end programming languages

Of course, back-end languages ​​are included in the package. PHP, Python, Java, C++, C# and even JavaScript can be used. Of course, for each project, you will choose one of them, but you can learn more than one to get a good understanding and be able to explore other possibilities. 

It is necessary to know how to apply the concepts of these languages ​​to the web specifically, with authentication and validation of information, APIs, database control and others. Likewise, it is also essential to know the frameworks and libraries specific to the back-end. 


Usability can be considered part of the front-end, so it is also part of the full stack universe. The programmer who dedicates himself to this area must, therefore, know how to design screens according to the defined requirements, always valuing the best user experience and agility and efficiency. It is necessary to have the ability to build pleasant, modern and solid interfaces.

Mobile first approach

In addition to knowing how to develop good interfaces, full stack developers also need to know how to adapt their screens to mobile devices, which includes smartphones and tablets. Above all, it is important to think about mobile devices first, creating screens that prioritize this adaptability from the beginning of the projects. This way, everything is done with best practices. 

Cloud Infrastructure

Other relevant points to reinforce the resume of a full stack developer are infrastructure, hosting and cloud computing to put websites online. 

You need to know the concept of containers and understand how to deploy web applications in these flexible cloud compartments. Likewise, those who know how to create websites in microservices, with isolated and independent parts that facilitate the dynamism of a modern page today, stand out .

Adaptation to the business model

A person fluent in full stack development is someone who also has a good understanding of business rules and knows how to transform them into code. In other words, someone who understands and adapts to different business models to solve their problems efficiently. This requires knowledge that goes beyond programming and technical IT issues. It involves knowledge of the world and current circumstances. 

Communication with other teams

In web development, people work in groups too. Even people with a full stack profile don’t do everything alone, because that would be too complex. For this reason, it is also necessary to communicate with other teams and understand the demands presented by other people on the team.

How to work with full stack development?

Now, how about a short guide to help you get started preparing to work with full stack development? Follow along! 

Learn programming logic 

Obviously, it is very important that you study programming logic. Furthermore, since everything we talk about here involves this activity, it is mandatory that students try to improve their skills with specific languages. 

This includes front-end, database, and back-end programming. It also includes knowing which programming languages ​​are most commonly used. The ideal is to reinforce programming logic, learn the most relevant concepts, and understand the syntax of each language.

The interesting thing about learning logic is that it applies to any programming technology. Thus, with a good foundation in logic, developers are able to venture into any language and solve problems more easily. 

In other words, even the way of programming on the front-end resembles some aspects of programming on the back-end, which makes life easier for those who are full stack. 

Develop soft skills 

Another good tip is to look for some relevant soft skills. For web development, it is essential to encourage collaboration and communication, as you will be working a lot in a team. 

Likewise, it is crucial to develop curiosity to pursue new technologies, frameworks and patterns: programming is always about looking for new ways to solve problems.

This also includes the responsibility of staying curious and always following new trends. This way, the developer can make the most of what is available on the market and achieve better results.

Take a full stack course

full-stack course will give you the foundation you need to build your skills in the best possible way. A good course will teach you the most basic principles of how the web works first, then build on the more complex concepts, with a good division between front-end and back-end. 

At the end of a full stack course or bootcamp, you will have a complete overview of the process of creating a website or web application and will be able to apply for software development positions, entering this market once and for all.

Create CV and Portfolio

Have a resume and a portfolio. Programming is an activity that requires practice for people to learn and evolve. Therefore, it is always very relevant to get involved in practical projects, classic problems and challenges to put what you have learned on the screen. From this, students will become more fluent in the specific programming languages.

In this regard, it’s up to you to choose: personal projects for training purposes, other people’s projects on GitHub or projects and challenges that certain sites like Frontend Mentor offer. The advantage of the first two is that you can publish them in your portfolio and show them in interviews.

Your resume should include your certifications and studies in the field, as well as professional experience. 

Keep learning

Always keep learning. Even if you reach a very good level in your chosen languages ​​and achieve great results in projects such as full stack, always stay in a state of learning. After all, this area changes a lot and requires, as already mentioned, that students and professionals always stay in touch with updates. 

According to HackerRank, a study we’ve already discussed here, 60% of full-stack professionals had to learn a new framework or platform in 2020. This is a higher percentage than any other professional position. This is because new technologies emerge all the time — JavaScript frameworks, for example, are numerous and continue to grow.

Being a full stack developer requires a change of mindset on the part of people who dedicate themselves to web programming. It is not the traditional division of knowledge, in which you only worry about your part, but an aggregation of the main knowledge to obtain an overview.

There are several important skills to master if you want to pursue this career. That’s why Tera created a complete course that can take you from zero to a job in the field. Learn more about the Full Stack Development course by clicking below.

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