Shopee Xpress Tracking Number

The format of the Shopee Xpress tracking number depends on the carrier you choose when you place your order. Usually, this depends on the destination of your shipment and the type of product being transported.

So how do you and your buyers find your updated Shopee Xpress tracking number?

Navigate to the “Order Details” page, followed by “Submit”, then open the “SEND” page.

Tap Set Carrier to choose a logistics company

Enter the tracking number
Select “SHIP”
Under “Shipping Information”, you will database see the updated Shopee Xpress tracking number

How to Track My Shopee Package
Enter the Shopee Xpress tracking number into the tracking form of your preferred logistics partner and click “Track Package” to get the latest information about your item from Shopee.

With a few clicks on the Shopee website, you can track your shipment sent by Shopee couriers to various locations around the world. Before your customer receives your package, you as the sender must provide them with the Shopee Xpress tracking number. Then with the website, customers can determine the location and status of their mail or package delivery.

Why You Should Choose Shopee Supported Logistics


Once the courier picks up your item and changes the delivery status, you can follow standard shipping procedures. But what are the benefits of Shopee assisted logistics for delivering your customer’s orders?

Shopee supports logistics
Non-Shopee supported logistics
Once your order leaves the Shopee warehouse, standard shipping takes 2–8 business days. Shopee xpress shipping takes one to three working days after your order leaves the Shopee warehouse.

If you purchased your item from Canada People overseas, it may take between 9-18 days to arrive. This calculation does not take into account national holidays or non-working days of logistics partners.

You also need to be aware that your order may be delayed in case of a long holiday or a high number of orders due to Shopee sales. Nonetheless, you can track your order with the Shopee app.

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