Value Proposition Canvas: What It Is for and How to Fill It Out

Newand companies have been emerging at a rapid pace in recent years. This is no surprise, after all, we are in the digital age. For this reason, everything is really faster, more intense and more dynamic. Even so, you cannot do without strategic analyses before launching something, and that is why the value proposition canvas tool is essential.

Products and services

It is impossible to predict the success of new projects, regardless of the area.  This is what will increase the chances of strategic alignment and engagement. With the value proposition tool, it is possible to do this accurately. This is the first step to success. In this post, we will better understand how the value proposition canvas helps you get it right and how to apply the methodology.

To begin with: what is a value proposition?

Value proposition canvas is a consumer audience analysis tool that helps understand pain points, needs and desires. This methodology supports decision-making at various levels and also supports product launches.

From products to features, and even brand creations, everything needs to be carefully evaluated before going to market. In view of this, the canvas structure helps to evaluate the most important issues to analyze at this time. With a graphic indication and well-defined conceptual bases, the value proposition can be sustained.

Focus is maintained more easily

The dynamism of the digital world we currently live in also brings agility of thought. If we are constantly in contact with information and content that inspires us, creative minds work at a high speed. However, this can be a risk for the brand strategy.

No matter how interesting a feature, product, or general idea may seem, it is worthless if it is not aligned with the company and what consumers need. Using a canvas framework helps make the entire value proposition accessible and clearer, which prevents errors and strategy deviations.

Versatility in use

One of the most interesting aspects of a value proposition canvas structure is that it can be used in a wide range of fields. There are no restrictions, for example, on the markets in which the tool best fits. It is simply a structure for analyzing factors, meaning that it is possible and necessary in any segment.

Furthermore, the methodology also works in a variety of situations. Imagine, for example, that the idea is to launch a new digital product on the market. Without a doubt, to do this, product management teams need to validate the value proposition and analyze different issues in relation to their target audience.

Likewise,professionals will also need a detailed study of consumer groups. The canvas structure will help at this point, as it highlights the pain points and needs of this audience.


How to use each part of a value proposition canvas?

The main attraction of the value proposition canvas is its graphical representation. This way, it is easier to visualize the main issues of customers in comparison with what the company wants to deliver. As a main objective, the intention is to connect solutions with customers, resulting in fully personalized deliveries.

The value proposition canvas is an adaptation methodology. While new competitors and launches are constantly arriving on the market, only those  capable of achieving strategic alignment survive. Therefore, regardless of what you want to create or add to your products, you need to meet the demands, pain points and needs of your audience.Here at Tera , we use a very educational and objective value proposition canvas example template. It’s this one.

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Using this graphical representation, it is easier to perform a value proposition analysis that will truly focus on your target audience and, from there, create perfect solutions. Now, let’s understand better, step by step, how the analysis and study activity is carried out based on the canvas value proposition.

Understanding the audience

First step: understand your customers. It is recommended to start with this analysis, after all, every project you want to launch needs to be geared how to build phone number services towards the people who will consume it. So, if you don’t start the development work already knowing your audience, there is a good chance that there will be inadequacies.

At this stage, the work will focus on studies to find out what the consumers in your target market need and want. This means unraveling their motivations bold data the problems they face, their routines and what they have as demands to be resolved in their daily lives. This work involves three points of analysis: pains, gains and tasks.


Customer pain points are issues that create obstacles in their lives, that is, cause problems. These are the factors that motivate the hiring of a service, the use of a product and, in general, the search for any solution.

It is important that teams using canvas to perform this analysis consider that there may be more than one pain point. The proposed solution should be aimed at solving all or most of the pain points, but in this case, understanding that an incomplete offer may be surpassed by a better one from the competition.


In the value proposition canvas, you will also analyze the gains that consumers will have if they get the right solution. These questions also fall into the realm of desires, that is, they are the best possible scenario, so naturally, you want to reach that level. In practice, if your idea fills these gaps, it generates satisfaction.

It is important to evaluate these gains as issues that will make your audience engage with your product, functions or even your brand, if the value proposition is aimed at entering a market. Then, your development  will be able to focus on these issues that generate happiness and explore ideas capable of activating them.


what are the positive social consequences

Closing the customer understanding stage. This category involves an analysis to understand what tasks consumers are trying to perform. In other words what they need. To do in their daily lives and how this is demanding new products. Services or features from companies.

There are other tasks with more practical motivations, such as functional ones. For example, if bank customers use apps to manage and monitor their accounts  it is because they do not want to travel from wherever they are to go to a bank branch or ATM.

Proposing a solution

The solution is defined in the definition stage of creating the value propositio. Once the main issues related to the consumer audience are understood. Such as their pain points and desires it becomes easier to develop solutions for this point. Therefore  the first part of the value proposition canvas will support this stage.


Painkillers are the perspective of how products. Services and brands will be proposed to alleviate. The pains that your customer profile has. In other words it is important to think. About what will actually be able to solve. The issues identified as pains in the first stage of the analysis.


Gain creators

This stage consists of creating features and proposals that position products and services as capable of delivering value to consumers.  After all, with so many new options emerging on the market, competition tends to become increasingly fierce. Therefore, delivering something that meets more objectives than expected becomes important. When defining your gain creators consider.


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