What is Content Marketing and how to use it?

Do you know what Content Marketing is and what its advantages are? Do you know how it is implemented in a digital strategy? Content Marketing has become a fundamental pillar within any Brand strategy that aims to be truly competitive on the Internet.

If your company or business is not yet using content marketing within your digital marketing plan. It is likely that things are no longer working as. They used to and that your actions to attract potential. Clients are becoming obsolete or too dependent on advertising.

The problem is that, although we all need to sell. You must first accompany your clients on that path to sales. Today you have to offer your buyer persona solutions to their needs and answers to. The questions they may have about your products and services.

What is Content Marketing?

All of this, without taking into account what its target audience truly wants or needs.

In fact, the definition of Content Marketing that Joe Pulizzi (a great specialist in this area) gave us many years ago is, in its almost literal translation from English, a clear example of a paradigm shift, now placing your customers at the center or heart of the strategy:

«Content Marketing is the art of understanding what your customers need to know, and delivering it to them in a relevant and compelling way»

What are the basic foundations of Content Marketing?

This strategy is basically based on a very clear premise that I have already mentioned to you previously:

The best way to build a strong, long-lasting and trusting relationship with your clients (current and potential) is to share with them quality informative content that offers them added value relevant to their needs.

This idea is based on being proactive and taking the initiative, providing our target audience with high-value content , that is, using this content (focused on the needs and tastes of our audience) as a less invasive channel than traditional ones and more segmented by the interests of the users themselves.

Thus, with this technique we seek:
Profitability: lowering the cost of customer acquisition, thanks to more organic strategies designed for the medium and long term.

Imagine yourself in the middle of a lively, energetic bazaar. Every vendor reaching out to potential clients from their stall represents a distinct phone number library business. Phone numbers serve as bridges in this situation—links that make it easier to conduct business, make queries, and build relationships. But what happens if you take a step back from this exciting scene.

phone number library

Brand image We want our customers to feel

Like prey that we are trying to hunt, but rather like a very valuable member of the community that surrounds our company, business or brand.
Conversion: Creating informative content geared toward user needs improves the flow of our sales funnel and facilitates conversions.
Loyalty: Ultimately, what we aim to achieve with this technique is to generate greater trust on the part of our clients , making them not feel used and awakening their loyalty.
But remember, this entire strategy must be approached in a planned, logical and, above all, natural manner.

Content Marketing is mainly based on being more useful to the user
We won’t be lying if we acknowledge that the objective is also commercial. But, unlike conventional advertising, Content Marketing tries to attract and convert our target audience into customers in a more natural and less invasive way.

Therefore, the ultimate goal of our strategy

Should not be to show how good, pretty and cheap our product or service is, but to demonstrate to our audience how we can help them solve their needs.

There are many examples of this whole process, but one of the best is seeing how with a simple “How to?” in a Google search, our audience can find what they need on our website.

In this way, traffic is generated, but not just special database services any type of traffic, but of better quality. Visitors who, through the trust and added value that we offer, are transformed from visitors to potential clients and from there, to final clients.

Not in vain, in each update of Google’s search algorithms , it gives increasing priority to content that responds more accurately to the needs and questions asked by users ( search intent ).

Since when has Content Marketing been used as an attraction method in companies?
There are some brands that have been using these types of techniques offline for some time now, perhaps in a much more basic or simple way, but they do it.

For example, who hasn’t received a recipe

Supermarket made by a brand related to the world of gastronomy? Another clear example could even be that monthly health magazine that your private health insurance used to send you every month.

Well, now take that old concept and give it a new, more modern and contemporary twist. In other words, take it to the digital environment and use it as part of your strategy to attract new customers.

Nowadays, this content can be presented in many different ways and forms, always adapted to the needs of our potential clients and the channels they use today.

Therefore, the most significant canada email lead thing is not usually the type of content and the channels we decide to use to share it.

The vital thing here is that the objective of this content puts the real needs of our clients first.

Content Marketing Funnel

Most people believe that Content Marketing only focuses on creating different types of content and distributing it through various channels.

And, although they are not going in the wrong direction, they are only taking the first steps of this whole process. To correctly apply this technique, our objective must be to do Marketing thanks to these contents (that is, to position, attract, seduce and convert).

Inbound marketing vs. content marketing

Considering what we have seen so far. I am sure that right now you may be thinking that i am talking to you about inbound marketing , due to the similarities that arise.

But this is not the case, since this technique is actually just. One important part of that discipline, in which we also use automation. Seo and social media, among many other techniques.

Advantages of Content Marketing for your Digital Strategy
Now that you know what Content Marketing is and know its basic fundamentals, thanks to this mega guide, it’s time for us to look at its main benefits.

Customer acquisition and loyalty

Content marketing will allow you to better connect. With both your target audience and current customers who already know your brand, to naturally facilitate. The possibility of acquiring your products or services.In addition, it helps us to build loyalty . Not in vain, among professionals in this sector, there is a basic premise that tells us:

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