Clients in agency: 7 types of casting

Clients in agency: 7 types of casting Guess I’ll ring, which is the most “sweeted” type customer.  from graphs, programmers and copywriters? From best to worst: the official MP Quadro top 7. They come in and out, call and write. Piombano in the office without warning. Or, on the contrary, they show up and are no longer felt until the fateful day circled . on the calendar: the deadline for the delivery of the work. They are the clients of the communication agency. 

The only one that is rare

There are many, all different. They are not always easy to manage, but they often give good satisfaction. MP Quadro customers can fall into seven categories special data (actually they are much more, but better not to complicate their lives!); here they are one after the other, ordered from the least worst… to the worst. Light your own brand. Let’s talk about it! ImageImage 7. The only one that is rare In two words: the perfect customer. He has clear ideas, he knows how to listen, he is punctual and precise in envoing the required material. It is open and available to dialogue, makes constructive criticism. Utopia? 

The desaparecido

No, it really exists! It’s just a matter of luck. 6. The desaparecido he shows up for the appointment and explains the service he needs. Say heer by thanking and Canada People  distributing his business. Card with email contact and phone number. Then enough, nothing. Bombing him with calls is not necessary: he will call him back at the least opportune moment. 5. The logorroic in love with the sound of his voice, he is the classic customer who likes to talk. He certainly knows how to entertain his interlocutors, but there is a risk that he will lose control. I

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