The rapidly growing AEC

The rapidly growing AEC. Some people want to go to a restaurant every day , while others want to go to a restaurant once a year. Some people go on vacation in the summer , and others in the winter. Write down opposite the types of your customers , how often they shop , at what time of day and time of year. For example , you want to make cheap refrigerators. But they won t buy from you people buy a refrigerator once every years , so they will value reliability. And cheapness does not mean reliability. It s a different matter if.

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence

You are selling a refrigerator for a summer residence. A refrigerator for homemade photo editing servies preparations. What is the client buying? Finally we have reach the truth of all truths. If you think that women’s logic is a jungle. Then the logic of making a purchase is a black hole. Very often , when a person makes a purchase. He does not buy what is written on the cash receipt. A BMW buyer buys prestige , a D&G buyer buys recognition , a wool hat buyer buys warmth. Write down its characteristics in the column of your product.

The Importance of Digital Strategy

On the contrary, the benefits and values ​​that it brings. The Canada People client never buys features , the client buys benefits. The owner of an iPhone buys ideology , and the owner of Samsung buys a smartphone. And they will both be right in a dispute about whose purchase is more profitable. Test drive and continuation If you still think that a successful niche is a matter of chance , then start reading the article again. In my work, I and the entire Friend Mia team have been in hundrs of skins and know for sure what a specific audience nes.

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