Link Building Audit Strengthening Your Backlink Profile

 Delete it (before doing so you will Link Building have to delete the internal links that point to this URL and deindex it; when you verify that Google no longer has it in its index you can delete it, thus avoiding a 404 error) Another aspect that you should check in an SEO audit is duplicate content . Duplicate content occurs many times without realizing it, so you should check that this problem does not exist on your website or on your client’s website. To detect it you are going to go to Google Search Console and follow this route: Index – Coverage – Excluded . You will see a table with the reasons for excluding URLs from the website.

SEO audit is Link Building duplicate content

Look for the duplicates and click to find category email list out which ones they are. Duplicate search console To know which. Pages they are in conflict with, you must click on the magnifying. Glass icon that appears next to each URL to inspect it. In “Reference Page” you will see which. URL it shares content with and you can analyze it to see which solution to use. Duplicate content- As you see in the image. One of the solutions for duplicate content is to establish. Canonical URLs, especially when it comes to an ecommerce. In which there are practically identical products but with variations such as size, color, size, etc.

Other solutions to duplicate content are similar 

A canonical URL serves to tell Google Canada People what is the main content to take into account within a group of URLs that are very similar to each other. Other solutions to duplicate content are similar to those I mentioned for thin content: make 301 redirects, deindex URLs, etc… depending on each specific case. However, keep something important in mind. Duplicate content does not only refer to texts, but also to H1s, SEO titles and meta descriptions. And how can we detect them? Thanks to Screaming Frog again. To do this, we have to go to the different tabs “Page Titles”, “H1” and “Meta Description” and apply the Duplicate filter.

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